Computational Physics Question Card 1. RNG What is Mersenne number? what is Mersenne prime number ? Mn=2n−1M_n = 2^n-1Mn=2n−1, when MnM_nMn is prime What is the advantage and disadvantage of multiplicative RNG and additive RNG? m 2023-08-09 Question Card #ETH Zürich #Physics #Mathematic #Computational Physics #Julia #Distributed Computing
Computational Physics [ICP]Introduction to Computational Physics Professor: Andreas Adelmann 1. Random Number Generator Congruential RNG xi=(cxi−1)mod px_i = (cx_{i-1})mod~p xi=(cxi−1)mod p maximal period is 2023-08-08 Note #ETH Zürich #Physics #Mathematic #Computational Physics #Julia #Distributed Computing
Neural Operators and Operator Networks vs Parametric Approach: A General Comparison Neural Operators and Operator Networks vs Parametric Approach: A General Comparison We explore the use of different neural operator architectures for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). Spe 2023-07-14 Project #ETH Zürich #Deep Learning #AI for Science #PINN
Optimizing the Social Force Model: Investigating Memory Layouts and Register Pressure Optimizing the Social Force Model: Investigating Memory Layouts and Register Pressure Helbing and Molńar’s Social Force Model provides a quite realistic description of pedestrian dynamics. However, it 2023-06-23 Project #ETH Zürich #Intel #Hardware #SIMD #CPU #N-body Problem
Model Cascades for Efficient Image Search Model Cascades for Efficient Image Search Modern neural encoders offer unprecedented text-image retrieval (TIR) accuracy. However, their high computational cost impedes an adoption to large-scale imag 2023-05-23 Project #ETH Zürich #Deep Learning #Efficiency #Image Text Retrivel
Infinite Energy is closer than you think Infinite Energy is closer than you think online slides version Energy E=mc2E = mc^2 E=mc2 fire : 10−8%10^{-8}\%10−8% 200k200\text k200k years ago pick wood burn smoke, CO fossil fuel: 10−7%10^{-7 2023-04-26 Presentation #ETH Zürich #Physics #Seminar for Applied Mathematics(SAM) #Energy #Nucler Fusion
Probabilitisc Artificial Intelligence Probabilitisc Artificial Intelligence professor: Andreas Krause 1. Gaussian N(x∣μ,σ)=1(2π)n2∣Σ∣exp(−12(x−μ)TΣ−1(x−μ))\mathcal N (x|\mu,\sigma) = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{\frac{n}{2}}\sqrt{|\Sigma|}}exp(-\fr 2023-02-02 Note #ETH Zürich #Deep Learning #Machine Learning #Reinforcement Learning #Probability
Space Elevator is Closer than we think Space Elevator is Closer than we think online slides version 0. Introduction Humanity either spreads across the universe or perishes completely. No other choice –Liu.CiXin(H.G.Wells) 1. Background G 2022-12-01 Presentation #ETH Zürich #Physics #Space Exploration #Space Elevator #Seminar for Applied Mathematics(SAM)
HoloScanner: In-Hand Scanning with HoloLens 2 for Irregular Geometries HoloScanner: In-Hand Scanning with HoloLens 2 for Irregular Geometries An end-to-end system for in-hand scanning and near-real-time reconstruction of irregular geometries based on Microsoft HoloLens 2 2022-10-22 Project #ETH Zürich #Mixed Relatity #Hololens2 #3D Reconstruction
归去来兮辞 归去来兮辞 陶渊明 余家贫,耕植不足以自给。幼稚盈室,缾无储粟,生生所资,未见其术。亲故多劝余为长吏,脱然有怀,求之靡途。会有四方之事,诸侯以惠爱为德,家叔以余贫苦,遂见用于小邑。于时风波未静,心惮远役,彭泽去家百里,公田之利,足以为酒。故便求之。及少日,眷然有归欤之情。何则?质性自然,非矫厉所得。饥冻虽切,违己交病。尝从人事,皆口腹自役。于是怅然慷慨,深愧平生之志。犹望一稔,当敛裳宵逝。寻程氏 2022-06-24 Poem #Ancient Chinese