Source code for torch_fem.sparse.matrix

import numpy as np
import torch 
import torch.nn as nn
import scipy.sparse
import hashlib
import inspect
from .mm import spmm 
from .solve import spsolve

[docs]class SparseMatrix(nn.Module): """coo format sparse matrix Parameters ---------- edata: torch.Tensor 1D float tensor of shape :math:`[|\mathcal E|]`, where :math:`|\mathcal E|` is the number of edges the edge data row: torch.Tensor 1D int tensor of shape :math:`[|\mathcal E|]`, where :math:`|\mathcal E|` is the number of edges the row indices col: torch.Tensor 1D int tensor of shape :math:`[|\\mathcal E|]`, where :math:`|\mathcal E|` is the number of edges the column indices shape: Tuple[int, int] the shape of the sparse matrix of the first two dim, e.g. (3, 4) Attributes ---------- edata: torch.Tensor 1D float tensor of shape :math:`[|\mathcal E|]`, where :math:`|\mathcal E|` is the number of edges the edge data row: torch.Tensor 1D int tensor of shape :math:`[|\mathcal E|]`, where :math:`|\mathcal E|` is the number of edges the row indices col: torch.Tensor 1D int tensor of shape :math:`[|\\mathcal E|]`, where :math:`|\mathcal E|` is the number of edges the column indices shape: Tuple[int, int] the shape of the sparse matrix of the first two dim, e.g. (3, 4) hash_layout: str it will be used to check if two sparse matrices have the same layout, the hash of the layout of the sparse matrix """ def __init__(self, edata, row, col, shape): super().__init__() assert edata.shape[0] == row.shape[0] == col.shape[0], f"the first dim of edata, row, col should be the same, but got {edata.shape[0]}, {row.shape[0]}, {col.shape[0]}" assert edata.device == row.device == col.device, f"edata, row, col should be on the same device, but got {edata.device}, {row.device}, {col.device}" self.register_buffer("edata", edata) self.register_buffer("row", row) self.register_buffer("col", col) self.shape = shape self.layout_hash = hashlib.sha256(row.cpu().numpy().tobytes() + col.cpu().numpy().tobytes()).hexdigest() @property def edges(self): """ Returns ------- torch.Tensor the edge indices of shape :math:`[2, |\mathcal E|]`, where :math:`|\mathcal E|` is the number of edges """ return torch.stack([self.row, self.col], dim=0)
[docs] def elementwise_operation(self, func, obj): """Elementwise operation with another sparse matrix or a tensor or a scalar If the object is a sparse matrix, the :attr:`edges` of the two sparse matrices should be the same Parameters ---------- func: Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] the elementwise operation obj: SparseMatrix or torch.Tensor or int or float the object to be elementwise operated with Returns ------- result: SparseMatrix the result of the elementwise operation """ if isinstance(obj, SparseMatrix): assert self.shape == obj.shape, f"the shape of the two sparse matrices should be the same, but got {self.shape}, {obj.shape}" assert self.has_same_layout(obj), f"the row indices of the two sparse matrices should be the same, but got {self.row}, {obj.row}" return SparseMatrix(func(self.edata, obj.edata), self.row, self.col, self.shape) elif isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor): assert obj.shape == self.shape, f"the shape of the sparse matrix and the tensor should be the same, but got {self.shape}, {obj.shape}" return SparseMatrix(func(self.edata, obj), self.row, self.col, self.shape) elif isinstance(obj, (int,float)): return SparseMatrix(func(self.edata, obj), self.row, self.col, self.shape) else: raise Exception(f"unsupported type {type(obj)} for SparseMatrix.elementwise_operation {inspect.getsource(func)}")
def __add__(self, obj): return self.elementwise_operation(lambda x,y: x+y, obj) def __mul__(self, obj): return self.elementwise_operation(lambda x,y: x * y, obj) def __rmul__(self, obj): return self.elementwise_operation(lambda a,b : torch.mul(b, a), obj) def __div__(self, obj): return self.elementwise_operation(torch.div, obj) def __rtruediv__(self, obj): return self.elementwise_operation(lambda a,b : torch.div(b, a), obj) def __pow__(self, obj): return self.elementwise_operation(torch.pow, obj) def __matmul__(self, x): """ Parameters ---------- x: torch.Tensor the dense tensor of shape [b] or [b,h] to be multiplied with the sparse matrix Returns ------- torch.Tensor the result of the multiplication of shape [a] or [a,h] """ return spmm(self.edata, self.row, self.col, self.shape, x)
[docs] def solve(self, x, backend=None): """ Parameters ---------- x: torch.Tensor the dense tensor of shape [a] or [a,h] to be solved with the sparse matrix backend: str, optional the backend to solve the sparse matrix, can be :obj:`None`, :obj:`"torch"`, :obj:`"scipy"` or :obj:`"torch_scipy"`, default :obj:`None` Returns ------- torch.Tensor the result of the solution of shape [b] or [b,h] """ assert x.shape[0] == self.shape[1], f"the first dim of x should be the same as the second dim of the sparse matrix, but got {x.shape[0]}, {self.shape[1]}" return spsolve(self.edata, self.row, self.col, self.shape, x, backend=backend)
[docs] def requires_grad_(self, requires_grad: bool = True): """ Parameters ---------- requires_grad: bool, optional whether the sparse matrix requires gradient, default :obj:`True` Returns ------- SparseMatrix the sparse matrix with requires_grad set to requires_grad """ self.edata.requires_grad_(requires_grad) return self
[docs] def transpose(self): """tranpose the sparse matrix .. math:: A = A^\\top """ return SparseMatrix(self.edata, self.col, self.row, self.shape[::-1])
[docs] def sqrt(self): """element-wise square root .. math:: A_{ij} = \\sqrt{A_{ij}} """ return SparseMatrix(self.edata.sqrt(), self.row, self.col, self.shape)
[docs] def reciprocal(self): """element-wise reciprocal .. math:: A_{ij} = \\frac{1}{A_{ij}} """ return SparseMatrix(self.edata.reciprocal(), self.row, self.col, self.shape)
[docs] def degree(self, axis=0): """how many non-zero element in each row/column - axis = :obj:`0` .. math:: \\sum_{j}\mathbb{1}_{A_{ij} \\neq 0} - axis = :obj:`1` .. math:: \\sum_{i}\mathbb{1}_{A_{ij} \\neq 0} Parameters ---------- axis: int, optional the axis to sum, can be :obj:`0` or :obj:`1`, default :obj:`0` Returns ------- torch.Tensor the degree of shape :math:`[n_{\\text{row}}]` or :math:`[n_{\\text{col}}]` """ nonzero = self.row if axis == 0 else self.col return torch.bincount(nonzero, minlength=self.shape[0] if axis == 0 else self.shape[1])
[docs] def sum(self, axis=None): """sum of all non-zero elements * axis = :obj:`None` .. math:: \sum_{ij}A_{ij} * axis = :obj:`0` .. math:: \sum_{j}A_{ij} * axis = :obj:`1` .. math:: \sum_{i}A_{ij} Parameters ---------- axis: int, optional the axis to sum, can be :obj:`None`, :obj:`0` or :obj:`1`, default :obj:`None` Returns ------- torch.Tensor the sum of shape :math:`[]` or :math:`[n_\\text{row}]` or :math:`[n_\\text{col}]` """ if axis is None: return self.edata.sum() elif axis == 0: return self.T @ torch.ones(self.shape[0], device=self.edata.device) elif axis == 1: return self @ torch.ones(self.shape[1], device=self.edata.device) else: raise Exception(f"unsupported axis {axis} for SparseMatrix.sum")
[docs] def clone(self): """The cloned sparse matrix will share clone gradient with the original sparse matrix Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the cloned sparse matrix """ return SparseMatrix(self.edata.clone(), self.row.clone(), self.col.clone(), self.shape)
def detach(self): """The detached sparse matrix will not share gradient with the original sparse matrix Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the detached sparse matrix """ return SparseMatrix(self.edata.detach(), self.row, self.col, self.shape) def __str__(self): return ( f"SparseMatrix(\n" f" edata: {self.edata}\n" f" row : {self.row}\n" f" col : {self.col}\n" f" shape: {self.shape}\n" f"{self.edata.grad_fn if self.edata.grad_fn is not None else ''}\n" f")" ) def __repr__(self): return str(self) @property def T(self): """ Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the transpose of the sparse matrix """ return self.transpose() @property def requires_grad(self): """ Returns ------- bool whether the sparse matrix requires gradient or not """ return self.edata.requires_grad @property def dtype(self): """ Returns ------- torch.dtype the dtype of the sparse matrix """ return self.edata.dtype @property def device(self): """ Returns ------- torch.device the device of the sparse matrix """ return self.edata.device @property def grad(self): """ Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix or None if the sparse matrix requires gradient, return the grad for each element of the sparse matrix, otherwise return :obj:`None` """ if self.edata.grad is None: return None else: return SparseMatrix(self.edata.grad, self.row, self.col, self.shape) @property def grad_fn(self): """ Returns ------- torch.autograd.Function or None if the sparse matrix requires gradient, return the grad_fn for each element of the sparse matrix, otherwise return :obj:`None` """ if self.edata.grad_fn is None: return None else: return self.edata.grad_fn @property def nnz(self): """ Returns ------- int the number of non-zero elements """ return self.edata.shape[0] @property def layout_mask(self): """ Returns ------- torch.Tensor the mask of the layout, where the non-zero elements are 1, otherwise 0 """ mask = torch.zeros(self.shape, device=self.edata.device) mask[self.row, self.col] = 1 return mask
[docs] def type(self, dtype): """ Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the sparse matrix with dtype set to dtype """ self.edata.to_(dtype) return self
[docs] def detach(self): """ Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the sparse matrix with requires_grad set to False """ return SparseMatrix(self.edata.detach(), self.row, self.col, self.shape).requires_grad_(False)
[docs] def to_scipy_coo(self): """ Returns ------- scipy.sparse.coo_matrix the scipy.sparse.coo_matrix of the sparse matrix """ return scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(( self.edata.detach().cpu().numpy(), ( self.row.detach().cpu().numpy(), self.col.detach().cpu().numpy() )), shape=self.shape)
[docs] def to_sparse_coo(self): """Turn the sparse matrix into a torch.sparse_coo_tensor, the gradient will be lost Returns ------- torch.sparse_coo_tensor the torch.sparse_coo_tensor of the sparse matrix """ return torch.sparse_coo_tensor( torch.stack([self.row, self.col]), self.edata, self.shape )
[docs] def to_dense(self): """Turn the sparse matrix into a dense matrix, the gradient will be maintained Returns ------- torch.Tensor the dense tensor of the sparse matrix """ matrix = torch.zeros(self.shape, device=self.edata.device, dtype=self.edata.dtype) matrix[self.row, self.col] += self.edata return matrix
[docs] def has_same_layout(self, obj): """ Parameters ---------- obj: SparseMatrix or str the object to be compared with, if it is a str, it will be compared with the layout_hash of the sparse matrix Returns ------- bool whether the two sparse matrices have the same layout """ assert isinstance(obj, (SparseMatrix,str)), f"matrix must be SparseMatrix or str, but got {type(obj)}" if isinstance(obj, str): return self.layout_hash == obj else: return self.layout_hash == obj.layout_hash
@staticmethod def from_scipy_coo(matrix, device="cpu", dtype=torch.float): edata = torch.from_numpy( row = torch.from_numpy(matrix.row).to(device) col = torch.from_numpy(matrix.col).to(device) shape = matrix.shape return SparseMatrix(edata, row, col, shape)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_sparse_coo(matrix): """ Parameters ---------- matrix: torch.sparse_coo_tensor the sparse matrix to be converted Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the sparse matrix converted from the torch.sparse_coo_tensor """ edata = matrix.values() row = matrix.indices()[0] col = matrix.indices()[1] shape = matrix.shape return SparseMatrix(edata, row, col, shape)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_block_coo(edata, row, col, shape): """Each element in a sparse matrix is a block matrix Parameters ---------- edata: torch.Tensor 3D float tensor of shape :math:`[|\\mathcal E|, C, C]`, where :math:`|\mathcal E|` is the number of edges, :math:`C` is the size of the block data the block data row: torch.Tensor 1D int tensor of shape :math:`[|\\mathcal E|]`, where :math:`|\mathcal E|` is the number of edges the row indices col: torch.Tensor 1D int tensor of shape :math:`[|\\mathcal E|]`, where :math:`|\mathcal E|` is the number of edges the column indices shape: Tuple[int, int] the shape of the sparse matrix of the first two dim Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the sparse matrix converted from the block coo format of shape """ n_edges = edata.shape[0] block_size = edata.shape[1] assert row.shape == col.shape == (n_edges,), f"the shape of row and col should be {n_edges}, but got {row.shape}, {col.shape}" assert edata.shape == (n_edges, block_size, block_size), f"the shape of edata should be {n_edges, block_size, block_size}, but got {edata.shape}" edata = edata.flatten() row = row[:, None].repeat(1, block_size * block_size) col = col[:, None].repeat(1, block_size * block_size) i,j = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(block_size), torch.arange(block_size)) row = row * block_size+ i.flatten() col = col * block_size+ j.flatten() shape = (shape[0] * block_size, shape[1] * block_size) row = row.flatten() col = col.flatten() return SparseMatrix(edata, row, col, shape)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dense(tensor): """ Parameters ---------- tensor: torch.Tensor the dense tensor to be converted Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the sparse matrix converted from the dense tensor Examples -------- >>> SparseMatrix.from_dense(torch.eye(3)) SparseMatrix( edata: tensor([1., 1., 1.]) row : tensor([0, 1, 2]) col : tensor([0, 1, 2]) shape: (3, 3) ) """ assert tensor.dim() == 2, f"the tensor should be 2D, but got {tensor.dim()}" rows, cols = torch.where(tensor != 0) edata = tensor[rows, cols] return SparseMatrix(edata, rows, cols, tensor.shape)
[docs] @staticmethod def random(m,n, density=0.1, device="cpu", dtype=torch.float): """randomly generate a sparse matrix Parameters ---------- m: int the number of rows n: int the number of cols density: float, optional the density of the sparse matrix, default 0.1 device: str, optional the device of the sparse matrix, default cpu dtype: torch.dtype, optional the dtype of the sparse matrix, default torch.float Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the sparse matrix of shape :math:`[m,n]` with density :obj:`density` and dtype :obj:`dtype` """ matrix = scipy.sparse.random(m, n, density, format="coo") return SparseMatrix.from_scipy_coo(matrix, device=device, dtype=dtype)
[docs] @staticmethod def random_layout(m, n, density=0.1, device="cpu"): """randomly generate a sparse matrix layout Parameters ---------- m: int the number of rows n: int the number of cols density: float, optional the density of the sparse matrix, default 0.1 device: str, optional the device of the sparse matrix, default cpu Returns ------- Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Tuple[int, int]] the layout of the sparse matrix of shape :math:`[m,n]` with density :obj:`density` and dtype :obj:`dtype` """ matrix = scipy.sparse.random(m, n, density, format="coo") row = torch.from_numpy(matrix.row).to(device) col = torch.from_numpy(matrix.col).to(device) shape = matrix.shape return row, col, shape
[docs] @staticmethod def random_from_layout(layout, device="cpu", dtype=torch.float): """randomly generate a sparse matrix from a layout Parameters ---------- layout: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, Tuple[int, int]] the layout of the sparse matrix device: str, optional the device of the sparse matrix, default cpu dtype: torch.dtype, optional the dtype of the sparse matrix, default torch.float Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the sparse matrix of shape :math:`[m,n]` with density :obj:`density` and dtype :obj:`dtype` """ row, col, shape = layout edata = torch.rand(row.shape[0], device=device, dtype=dtype) return SparseMatrix(edata,,, shape)
[docs] @staticmethod def eye(n, value=1., device="cpu", dtype=torch.float): """generate a sparse identity matrix Parameters ---------- n: int the number of rows and columns value: float, optional the value of the diagonal elements, default 1. device: str, optional the device of the sparse matrix, default cpu dtype: torch.dtype, optional the dtype of the sparse matrix, default torch.float Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the sparse matrix of shape :math:`[n,n]` with value :obj:`value` and dtype :obj:`dtype` Examples -------- >>> SparseMatrix.eye(3).to_dense() tensor([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) """ return SparseMatrix( torch.ones(n, device=device, dtype=dtype) * value, torch.arange(n, device=device), torch.arange(n, device=device), (n, n) )
[docs] @staticmethod def full(m, n, value=1., device="cpu", dtype=torch.float): """generate a dense matrix filled with a value Parameters ---------- m: int the number of rows n: int the number of columns value: float, optional the value of the diagonal elements, default 1. device: str, optional the device of the sparse matrix, default cpu dtype: torch.dtype, optional the dtype of the sparse matrix, default torch.float Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the dense tensor of shape :math:`[n,n]` with value :obj:`value` and dtype :obj:`dtype` """ if value == 0: return SparseMatrix( torch.tensor([], device=device, dtype=dtype), torch.tensor([], device=device, dtype=torch.int64), torch.tensor([], device=device, dtype=torch.int64), (m, n) ) cols = torch.arange(n, device=device) rows = torch.arange(m, device=device) edata = torch.ones(n*m, device=device, dtype=dtype) * value cols, rows = torch.meshgrid(cols, rows) return SparseMatrix(edata, rows.flatten(), cols.flatten(), (m, n))
[docs] @staticmethod def combine_vector(matrices, axis=0): """Combine sparse matrices into a sparse matrix Parameters ---------- matrices: List[torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix] the sparse matrices to be combined axis: int, optional the axis to combine, can be :obj:`0` or :obj:`1`, default :obj:`0` Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the combined sparse matrix Examples -------- >>> SparseMatrix.combine_vector([ ... SparseMatrix.eye(3), SparseMatrix.eye(3) ... ]).to_dense() tensor([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]) """ row_offset = 0 col_offset = 0 cols = [] rows = [] edata = [] for sparse_matrix in matrices: assert isinstance(sparse_matrix, (SparseMatrix,torch.Tensor)), f"the sparse matrices should be SparseMatrix, but got {type(sparse_matrix)}" assert sparse_matrix.shape[1-axis] == matrices[0].shape[1-axis], f"the shape of the sparse matrices should be the same, but got {sparse_matrix.shape}, {matrices[0].shape}" if isinstance(sparse_matrix, torch.Tensor): sparse_matrix = SparseMatrix.from_dense(sparse_matrix) cols.append(sparse_matrix.col + col_offset) rows.append(sparse_matrix.row + row_offset) edata.append(sparse_matrix.edata) if axis == 0: row_offset += sparse_matrix.shape[0] elif axis == 1: col_offset += sparse_matrix.shape[1] else: raise Exception(f"unsupported axis {axis} for SparseMatrix.combine_vector, could only be 0 or 1") if axis == 0: col_offset += matrices[0].shape[1] elif axis == 1: row_offset += matrices[0].shape[0] return SparseMatrix(, dim=0),, dim=0),, dim=0), (row_offset, col_offset) )
[docs] @staticmethod def combine_matrix(matrices): """ Parameters ---------- matrices: List[List[torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix or None or float or int]] the sparse matrices to be combined axis: int, optional the axis to combine, can be :obj:`0` or :obj:`1`, default :obj:`0` Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the combined sparse matrix Examples -------- >>> SparseMatrix.combine_matrix([ ... [SparseMatrix.eye(3), SparseMatrix.eye(3)], ... [SparseMatrix.eye(3), SparseMatrix.eye(3)] ... ]).to_dense() tensor([[1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 1.], [1., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 1.]]) """ row_offset = 0 col_offset = 0 rows = [] cols = [] edata = [] n_block_rows = len(matrices) n_block_cols = len(matrices[0]) shape = np.zeros((n_block_rows, n_block_cols, 2), dtype=np.int64) # check numebr of blocks consistency for i in range(n_block_rows): assert len(matrices[i]) == len(matrices[0]), f"the number of columns of the sparse matrices should be the same, but got {len(matrices[i])}, {len(matrices[0])}" for j in range(n_block_cols): if isinstance(matrices[i][j],(SparseMatrix,torch.Tensor)): shape[i,j] = np.array(matrices[i][j].shape) # check shape inference assert (shape[:,:,0] > 0).any(1).all(), f"there should be at least one non-zero sparse matrix in each row, but got dimension collapse at row {np.where(~(shape[:,:,0] > 0).any(1))[0].tolist()}" assert (shape[:,:,1] > 0).any(0).all(), f"there should be at least one non-zero sparse matrix in each column, but got dimension collapse at column {np.where(~(shape[:,:,1] > 0).any(0).all())[0].tolist()}" # check shape unique for i in range(n_block_rows): nz_shape = shape[i, :, 0][shape[i, :, 0] > 0] uni_shape = np.unique(nz_shape) assert len(uni_shape) == 1, f"the number of rows of the sparse matrices should be the same, but got {shape[i, :, 0]} at row {i}" shape[i, :, 0][shape[i, :, 0] == 0] = uni_shape for j in range(n_block_cols): nz_shape = shape[:, j, 1][shape[:, j, 1] > 0] uni_shape = np.unique(nz_shape) assert len(uni_shape) == 1, f"the number of columns of the sparse matrices should be the same, but got {shape[:, j, 1]} at column {j}" shape[:, j, 1][shape[:, j, 1] == 0] = uni_shape for i in range(len(matrices)): col_offset = 0 for j in range(len(matrices[i])): if matrices[i][j] is not None: if isinstance(matrices[i][j], (int, float)): matrices[i][j] = SparseMatrix.full(shape[i,j,0], shape[i,j,1], value=matrices[i][j]) elif isinstance(matrices[i][j], torch.Tensor): matrices[i][j] = SparseMatrix.from_dense(matrices[i][j]) edata.append(matrices[i][j].edata) rows.append(matrices[i][j].row + row_offset) cols.append(matrices[i][j].col + col_offset) col_offset += shape[i, j, 1] row_offset += shape[i, 0, 0] return SparseMatrix(, dim=0),, dim=0),, dim=0), (row_offset, col_offset) )
[docs] @staticmethod def combine(matrices): """ the dispatch function for :attr:combine_vector and :attr:combine_matrix Parameters ---------- matrices: List[torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix or List[torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix or None or float or int]] the sparse matrices to be combined Returns ------- torch_fem.sparse.SparseMatrix the combined sparse matrix """ if isinstance(matrices[0], (list, tuple)): return SparseMatrix.combine_matrix(matrices) else: return SparseMatrix.combine_vector(matrices, axis=0)