

class MeshGen(element_type=None, dimension=2, order=1, chara_length=0.1, cache_path='./tmp.msh')[source]

Bases: object

  • element_type (str, optional) – If element_type is None, then it will generate a mix mesh. Otherwise, the order and element will be determined by element_type.

  • dimension (int, optional) – The dimension of the mesh, e.g., \(2\) or \(3\).

  • order (int, optional) – The order of the element, e.g., \(1\), \(2\).

  • chara_length (float, optional) – The characteristic length of the mesh. The smaller the value, the more dense the mesh. Default is \(0.1\).


  1. generate rectangle mesh with triangle elements:

    from torch_fem import MeshGen
    generator = MeshGen(element_type="tri") # triangle mesh for 2d
    generator.addRectangle(0,0,1,1) # add a rectangle
    mesh = generator.gen().plot() # generate and visualize the mesh
  2. generate mixed mesh with left triangle and right rectangle

    from torch_fem import MeshGen
    mesh_gen = MeshGen(element_type=None, chara_length=0.1, order=2)
    mesh_gen.add_rectangle(0,0,0.5,1, element="tri")
    mesh_gen.add_rectangle(0.5,0,0.5,1, element="quad")
add_rectangle(left, bottom, width, height, element='tri')[source]

add a rectangle to the geometry

  • left (float) – the left boundary of the rectangle

  • bottom (float) – the bottom boundary of the rectangle

  • width (float) – the width of the rectangle

  • height (float) – the height of the rectangle

  • element (str, optional) – the type of the element, can be “tri” or “quad” default: “tri”


the mesh generator itself

Return type:


remove_rectangle(left, bottom, width, height)[source]

remove the rectangle from the geometry

  • left (float) – the left boundary of the rectangle

  • bottom (float) – the bottom boundary of the rectangle

  • width (float) – the width of the rectangle

  • height (float) – the height of the rectangle


the mesh generator itself

Return type:


add_circle(cx, cy, r, element='tri')[source]

add a circle to the geometry

  • cx (float) – the x coordinate of the center

  • cy (float) – the y coordinate of the center

  • r (float) – the radius of the circle

  • element (str, optional) – the type of the element, can be “tri” or “quad” default: “tri”


the mesh generator itself

Return type:


remove_circle(cx, cy, r)[source]

remove the cirlce from the geometry

  • cx (float) – the x coordinate of the center

  • cy (float) – the y coordinate of the center

  • r (float) – the radius of the circle


the mesh generator itself

Return type:


add_cube(x, y, z, dx, dy, dz)[source]

add a cube to the geometry, only works for 3d

  • x (float) – the x coordinate of the center

  • y (float) – the y coordinate of the center

  • z (float) – the z coordinate of the center

  • dx (float) – the width of the cube

  • dy (float) – the height of the cube

  • dz (float) – the depth of the cube


the mesh generator itself

Return type:


remove_cube(x, y, z, dx, dy, dz)[source]

remove the cube from the geometry, only works for 3d

  • x (float) – the x coordinate of the center

  • y (float) – the y coordinate of the center

  • z (float) – the z coordinate of the center

  • dx (float) – the width of the cube

  • dy (float) – the height of the cube

  • dz (float) – the depth of the cube


the mesh generator itself

Return type:


add_sphere(x, y, z, r)[source]

add a sphere to the geometry, only works for 3d

  • x (float) – the x coordinate of the center

  • y (float) – the y coordinate of the center

  • z (float) – the z coordinate of the center

  • r (float) – the radius of the sphere


the mesh generator itself

Return type:


remove_sphere(x, y, z, r)[source]

remove the sphere from the geometry, only works for 3d

  • x (float) – the x coordinate of the center

  • y (float) – the y coordinate of the center

  • z (float) – the z coordinate of the center

  • r (float) – the radius of the sphere


the mesh generator itself

Return type:



generate the mesh from the geometry


show (bool, optional) – whether to show the mesh in the gmsh gui default: False


the generated mesh

Return type:



class PoissonMultiFrequency(a=None, K=2, c=1.0, r=0.5)[source]

Bases: object

Multi-frequency wave equation, with \(0\) boundary condition

\[-\Delta u = f \quad (x, y)\]

where \((x_1,x_2)\in [0,1]^2\), with the boundary condition \(u(t, \pm 1, \pm 1) = 0\)

  • a (torch.Tensor , optional) – 3D tensor of shape \([N, K, K]\) or 2D tensor of shape \([K, K]\), where \(N\) is the number of samples, \(K\) is the dimension of the frequencies the coefficient of the wave equation, if None, it will be randomly generated by \(\mu\sim Unif([-1,1]^{K\times K})\)

  • K (int, optional) – the dimension of the frequencies, if a is not None, this parameter will be ignored if a is None, it will be used to generate the random a

  • c (float, optional) – the poisson speed, default is \(1.0\)

  • r (float, optional) – the coefficient of the poisson equation, default is \(0.5\)


Generate the poisson source function at each point in the domain

\[f=\frac{\pi}{K^2} \sum_{i,j=1}^{K} a_{ij} \cdot (i^2 + j^2)^{r} sin(\pi ix) sin(\pi jy)\]

points (torch.Tensor) – 2D tensor of shape \([|\mathcal V|, 2]\), where \(|\mathcal V|\) is the number of vertices all the points must be in \([0,1]^2\)


u0 – 1D tensor of shape \([|\mathcal V|]\) \([N, |\mathcal V|]\), where \(N\) is the number of samples, \(|\mathcal V|\) is the number of vertices

Return type:



Generate the poisson solution function at each point in the domain

\[u(x, y) = \frac{1}{\pi\cdot K^2} \sum_{i,j=1}^{K} a_{ij} \cdot (i^2 + j^2)^{r-1} sin(\pi ix) sin(\pi jy)\]

points (torch.Tensor) – 2D tensor of shape \([|\mathcal V|, 2]\), where \(|\mathcal V|\) is the number of vertices all the points must be in \([0,1]^2\)


u – 1D tenor of shape \([|\mathcal V|]\) or \([N, |\mathcal V|]\), where \(N\) is the number of samples, \(|\mathcal V|\) is the number of vertices

Return type:


class HeatMultiFrequency(mu=None, d=2)[source]

Bases: object

Multi-frequency heat equation, with \(0\) boundary condition

\[\frac{\partial u }{\partial t} = \Delta u\]

where \(t \in [0,T],\quad(x_1,x_2)\in [-1,1]^2\), with the boundary condition \(u(t, \pm 1, \pm 1) = 0\)

  • mu (torch.Tensor , optional) – 2D tensor of shape \([N, d]\) or 1D tensor of shape \([d]\), where \(N\) is the number of samples, \(d\) is the dimension of the frequencies the coefficient of the heat equation, if None, it will be randomly generated by \(\mu\sim Unif([-1,1]^d)\)

  • d (int, optional) – the dimension of the frequencies, if mu is not None, this parameter will be ignored if mu is None, it will be used to generate the random mu


Generate the heat source function at each point in the domain

\[u(0,x_1,x_2,\mu) = -\frac{1}{d}\sum_{m=1}^d \mu_m sin(\pi m x_1)sin(\pi m x_2)/\sqrt m\]

points (torch.Tensor) – 2D tensor of shape \([|\mathcal V|, 2]\), where \(|\mathcal V|\) is the number of vertices all the points must be in \([-1,1]^2\)


1D tensor of shape \([|\mathcal V|]\) or \([N, |\mathcal V|]\), where \(N\) is the number of samples, \(|\mathcal V|\) is the number of vertices

Return type:


solution(points, t)[source]

Generate the poisson solution function at each point in the domain

\[u(t,x_1,x_2,\mu) = -\frac{1}{d}\sum_{m=1}^d \frac{\mu_m}{\sqrt{m}} e^{-2m^2\pi^2t} sin(\pi m x_1)sin(\pi mx_2)\]
  • points (torch.Tensor) – 2D tensor of shape \([|\mathcal V|, 2]\), where \(|\mathcal V|\) is the number of vertices

  • t (float) – the time


ut – 1D tensor of shape \([|\mathcal V|]\) or \([N, |\mathcal V|]\), where \(N\) is the number of samples, \(|\mathcal V|\) is the number of vertices

Return type:


class WaveMultiFrequency(a=None, K=2, c=1.0, r=0.5)[source]

Bases: object

Multi-frequency wave equation, with \(0\) boundary condition

\[u_{tt} = c^2 \Delta u\]

where \(t \in [0,T],\quad(x_1,x_2)\in [0,1]^2\), with the boundary condition \(u(t, \pm 1, \pm 1) = 0\)

  • a (torch.Tensor , optional) – 3D tensor of shape \([N, K, K]\) or 2D tensor of shape \([K, K]\), where \(N\) is the number of samples, \(K\) is the dimension of the frequencies the coefficient of the wave equation, if None, it will be randomly generated by \(\mu\sim Unif([-1,1]^{K\times K})\)

  • K (int, optional) – the dimension of the frequencies, if a is not None, this parameter will be ignored if a is None, it will be used to generate the random a

  • c (float, optional) – the wave speed, default is \(1.0\)

  • r (float, optional) – the coefficient of the wave equation, default is \(0.5\)


Generate the wave initial function at each point in the domain

\[u(0, x, y, a) = \frac{\pi}{K^2} \sum_{i,j=1}^{K} a_{ij} \cdot (i^2 + j^2)^{-r} sin(\pi ix) sin(\pi jy)\]

points (torch.Tensor) – 2D tensor of shape \([|\mathcal V|, 2]\), where \(|\mathcal V|\) is the number of vertices all the points must be in \([0,1]^2\)


  • u0 (torch.Tensor) – 1D tensor of shape \([|\mathcal V|]\) \([N, |\mathcal V|]\), where \(N\) is the number of samples, \(|\mathcal V|\) is the number of vertices

  • v0 (torch.Tensor) – 1D tensor of shape \([|\mathcal V|]\) \([N, |\mathcal V|]\), where \(N\) is the number of samples, \(|\mathcal V|\) is the number of vertices

solution(points, t=0.1)[source]

Generate the wave solution function at each point in the domain

\[u(t, x, y, a) = \frac{\pi}{K^2} \sum_{i,j=1}^{K} a_{ij} \cdot (i^2 + j^2)^{-r} sin(\pi ix) sin(\pi jy) cos(c\pi t \sqrt{i^2 + j^2})\]
  • points (torch.Tensor) – 2D tensor of shape \([|\mathcal V|, 2]\), where \(|\mathcal V|\) is the number of vertices all the points must be in \([0,1]^2\)

  • t (float) – the time, default is \(0.1\)


ut – 1D tenor of shape \([|\mathcal V|]\) or \([N, |\mathcal V|]\), where \(N\) is the number of samples, \(|\mathcal V|\) is the number of vertices

Return type:
