Source code for torch_fem.ode.explicit_rungekutta

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import torch 
from torch_fem.sparse import SparseMatrix

[docs]class ExplicitRungeKutta: r""" .. math:: \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = f(t, u) Parameters ---------- a : torch.Tensor 2D tensor of shape [s, s] shoule be lower triangular .. math:: a = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & \cdots &0& 0 \\ a_{21} & \cdots &0 & 0 \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots &\vdots\\ a_{s1} & \cdots & a_{s{s-1}} &0 \end{bmatrix} b : torch.Tensor 1D tensor of shape [s], :math:`\sum_{b_i} = 1` """ def __init__(self, a, b): assert a.dim() == 2, f"expected a to be 2D tensor, got {a.dim()}" assert b.dim() == 1, f"expected b to be 1D tensor, got {b.dim()}" assert a.shape[0] == a.shape[1], f"expected a to be square, got {a.shape}" assert a.shape[0] == b.shape[0], f"expected a and b to have same shape, got {a.shape} and {b.shape}" assert b.sum() == 1, f"expected b to sum to 1, got {b.sum()}" assert torch.allclose(a.tril(), a), f"expected a to be lower triangular, got {a}" self.a = a self.b = b self.c = a.sum(dim=1) self.s = b.shape[0] self.__post_init__() def __post_init__(self): """precompute something after the initialization of torch_fem.ode.ExplicitRungeKutta """ pass
[docs] def forward(self, t, u): r"""right side function :math:`f(t, u)` .. math:: \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \text{forward}(t, u) default :math:`f(t, u) = u` Parameters ---------- t : float time u : torch.Tensor value of shape :math:`[D]` where D is the dimension of the problem Returns ------- torch.Tensor value of shape :math:`[D]` where D is the dimension of the problem the value of the right side function :math:`f(t, u)` """ return u
[docs] def step(self, t0, u0, dt): """one step of explicit Runge-Kutta method .. math:: \\textbf k_i =\\textbf f(t+c_i\\tau, \\textbf u +\\tau \\sum_{j=1}^s a_{ij}\\textbf k_j)\\quad \\Psi^{t,t+\\tau}\\textbf u = \\textbf u+\\tau\\sum_{i=1}^s b_i \\textbf k_i Parameters ---------- t0 : float initial time u0 : torch.Tensor initial value of shape :math:`[D]` where D is the dimension of the problem dt : float time step Returns ------- torch.Tensor value of shape :math:`[D]` where D is the dimension of the problem the value of the solution at time :math:`t_0 + \\text{d}t` """ assert u0.dim() == 1, f"expected u0 to be 1D tensor, got {u0.dim()}" D = u0.shape[0] h = dt k = torch.zeros((self.s, D)) for i in range(self.s): ci = self.c[i] if i == 0: f = self.forward(t0 + ci * h, u0) else: f = self.forward(t0 + ci * h, u0 + h * self.a[i, :i] @ k[:i]) k[i] += f u = u0 + h * self.b @ k return u