import os
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import meshio
import pyvista as pv
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import matplotlib.tri as tri
import re
import scipy.spatial
from itertools import chain
from functools import reduce
from operator import eq
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Iterable
from ..shape import get_basis, get_boundary, element_type2dimension as topological_dimension
from ..sparse import SparseMatrix
from ..nn import BufferDict
[docs]class Mesh(nn.Module):
mesh: :meth:`meshio.Mesh`
a meshio mesh object
points: torch.Tensor
2D tensor of shape :math:`[|\\mathcal V|, D]`, where :math:`|\\mathcal V|` is the number of points and :math:`D` is the dimension of the space
the coordinates of the points
cells: BufferDict[str, torch.Tensor]
Each key is a :meth:`torch_fem.shape.element_type`,
and for each :obj:`element_type`, there is a corresponding 2D tensor of shape :math:`[|\mathcal V, B]`, where :math:`B` is the number of basis functions
the cells of the mesh
point_data: BufferDict[str, torch.Tensor], optional
Each key is a :meth:`torch_fem.shape.element_type`,
the point data
cell_data: BufferDict[str, BufferDict[int, torch.Tensor]], optional
Each key is a :meth:`torch_fem.shape.element_type`,
the cell data
field_data: BufferDict[str, torch.Tensor], optional
Each key is a :meth:`torch_fem.shape.element_type`,
the field data
cell_sets: dict, optional
Each key is a :meth:`torch_fem.shape.element_type`,
the cell sets
dim2eletyp: Dict[int, List[str]]
Each key is a dimension, and the value is a list of element types of the dimension
default_eletyp: str
the default element type
default_element_type: str
the default element type
def __init__(self, mesh):
# turn is_... or ..._mask to bool
for key in list(mesh.point_data.keys()):
if key.startswith("is_") or key.endswith("_mask"):
mesh.point_data[key] = mesh.point_data[key].astype(bool)
for key in list(mesh.cell_data.keys()):
for i, _v in enumerate(mesh.cell_data[key]):
if key.startswith("is_") or key.endswith("_mask"):
mesh.cell_data[key][i] = _v.astype(bool)
for key in list(mesh.field_data.keys()):
if key.startswith("is_") or key.endswith("_mask"):
mesh.field_data[key] = mesh.field_data[key].astype(bool)
# cells
self.cells = BufferDict({k:torch.from_numpy(v).long() for k,v in mesh.cells_dict.items()})
# point data
self.point_data = BufferDict({k:torch.from_numpy(v) for k,v in mesh.point_data.items()})
# cell data
self.cell_data = BufferDict({
k:BufferDict({i:torch.from_numpy(_v) for i,_v in v.items()}) for k,v in mesh.cell_data_dict.items()
# field data
self.field_data = BufferDict({k:torch.from_numpy(v) for k,v in mesh.field_data.items()})
# cell setes useless
self.cell_sets = mesh.cell_sets
self.dim2eletyp = defaultdict(list) # Dict[int, List[str]]
for element_type in self.cells.keys():
self.default_eletyp = self.dim2eletyp[max(self.dim2eletyp.keys())]
if len(self.default_eletyp) == 1: # if only one element type, use it as default
self.default_eletyp = self.default_eletyp[0]
dimension = max(self.dim2eletyp.keys())
torch.from_numpy(mesh.points[:, :dimension])
[docs] def register_point_data(self, key, value):
"""Add key-value pair to :attr:`point_data` buffer,
since the :attr:`point_data` is a :class:`torch_fem.nn.BufferDict`, you are recommended to use this method instead of :obj:`__setitem__`
key: str
the key of the value
value: torch.Tensor
1D tensor of shape :math:`[|\\mathcal V|,...]`, where :math:`\\mathcal V` is the number of nodes/vertices/points, the value to be registered
self will be returned
assert key not in self.point_data.keys(), f"the key {key} already exists in point_data"
assert value.shape[0] == self.points.shape[0], f"the first dimension of value should be {self.points.shape[0]}, but got {value.shape[0]}"
self.point_data.register_buffer(key, value)
return self
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
# return f"Mesh(n_points={self.points.shape[0]}, cells=({','.join(f'{k}:{v.shape}' for k,v in self.cells.items())}))"
def __repr__(self):
return (
f" points: {self.points.shape}\n"
f" cells: {','.join(f'{k}:{v.shape}' for k,v in self.cells.items())}\n"
f" point_data: {','.join(f'{k}({v.dtype}):{v.shape[-1]}' for k,v in self.point_data.items())}\n"
f" cell_data: {','.join(f'{k}({next(iter(v.values())).dtype}):{next(iter(v.values())).shape[-1]}' for k,v in self.cell_data.items())}\n"
f" field_data: {','.join(f'{k}({v.dtype}):{v.shape[-1]}' for k,v in self.field_data.items())}\n"
[docs] def to_meshio(self):
the meshio mesh object
mesh = meshio.Mesh(
points = self.points.detach().cpu().numpy(),
cells = {k:v.detach().cpu().numpy() for k,v in self.cells.items()},
point_data = {k:v.detach().cpu().numpy() for k,v in self.point_data.items()},
cell_data = {k:[_v.detach().cpu().numpy() for _v in v.values()] for k,v in self.cell_data.items()},
field_data = {k:v.detach().cpu().numpy() for k,v in self.field_data.items()},
cell_sets = self.cell_sets
return mesh
[docs] def save(self, file_name:str, file_format:str=None):
file_name: str
the name of the file
file_format: str
the format of the file, e.g., 'msh', 'vtk', 'obj'
default is the file extension
self will be returned
mesh = self.to_meshio()
# turn is_... or ..._mask to float
for key in list(mesh.point_data.keys()):
if key.startswith("is_") or key.endswith("_mask"):
mesh.point_data[key] = mesh.point_data[key].astype(float)
for key in list(mesh.cell_data.keys()):
for i, _v in enumerate(mesh.cell_data[key]):
if key.startswith("is_") or key.endswith("_mask"):
mesh.cell_data[key][i] = _v.astype(float)
for key in list(mesh.field_data.keys()):
if key.startswith("is_") or key.endswith("_mask"):
mesh.field_data[key] = mesh.field_data[key].astype(float)
# assert no bool variables, since file cannot save bool
for key in list(mesh.point_data.keys()):
assert mesh.point_data[key].dtype != bool, f"PointData: bool is not supported in meshio, but got {key}"
for key in list(mesh.cell_data.keys()):
for i, _v in enumerate(mesh.cell_data[key]):
assert _v.dtype != bool, f"CellData: bool is not supported in meshio, but got {key}"
for key in list(mesh.field_data.keys()):
assert mesh.field_data[key].dtype != bool, f"FieldData: bool is not supported in meshio, but got {key}"
if file_name.endswith(".vtk") or file_name.endswith(".vtu"):
# if vtk/vtu turn 2d to 3d
if mesh.points.shape[1] == 2:
mesh.points = np.concatenate([mesh.points, torch.zeros(mesh.points.shape[0], 1)], -1)
if "u" not in mesh.point_data.keys():
mesh.point_data["u"] = np.zeros((mesh.points.shape[0], ))
meshio.write(file_name, mesh, file_format)
return self
[docs] def to_file(self, file_name:str, file_format:str=None):
file_name: str
the name of the file
file_format: str
the format of the file, e.g., 'msh', 'vtk', 'obj'
default is the file extension
self will be returned
return, file_format)
[docs] def node_adjacency(self, element_type=None):
"""get the node adjacency matrix, inside each element, the nodes are considered fully connected
element_type : str or Iterable[str] or None
the type of the elements
if :obj:`None` is the :obj:`default_element_type`
default : :obj:`None`
the adjacency matrix of nodes :math:`[|\\mathcal V|,|\\mathcal V|]`, where :math:`|\\mathcal V|` is the number of nodes
elements = self.elements(element_type)
if isinstance(elements, torch.Tensor):
edges = torch.vmap(lambda x:torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(x,x),-1))(elements).reshape(-1,2).T
elif isinstance(elements, dict):
edges = []
for k,v in elements.items():
edges.append(torch.vmap(lambda x:torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(x,x),-1))(v).reshape(-1,2).T)
edges =, -1)
connections = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(
edges, torch.ones(edges.shape[1]), size=(self.n_point, self.n_point)
edges = connections.indices()
return SparseMatrix(torch.ones(edges.shape[1]), edges[0], edges[1], (self.n_point, self.n_point))
[docs] def element_adjacency(self, element_type=None):
"""get the element adjacency matrix, the element are considered connected only if they share a boundary/facet
element_type : str or Iterable[str] or None
the type of the elements, should be of same dimension
if :obj:`None` is the :obj:`default_element_type`
default : :obj:`None`
the adjacency matrix of elements :math:`[|\\mathcal C|,|\\mathcal C|]`, where :math:`|\\mathcal C|` is the number of elements
def get_element_adjacency(ele_ids, boundaries):
ele_ids: torch.Tensor [\int n_element*n_boundary_per_element]
boundaries: torch.Tensor [\int n_element*n_boundary_per_element, n_boundary_basis]
assert ele_ids.dim() == 1, f"ele_ids should be 1d, but got {ele_ids.dim()}"
assert boundaries.dim() == 2, f"boundaries should be 2d, but got {boundaries.dim()}"
assert boundaries.shape[0] == ele_ids.shape[0], f"the first dimension of boundaries should be {ele_ids.shape[0]}, but got {boundaries.shape[0]}"
boundaries= boundaries.reshape(-1, boundaries.shape[-1]) # [n_element * n_boundary_per_element, n_boundary_basis]
# make sure the index is ascending, so it's unique
boundaries= boundaries.sort(dim=-1).values # [n_element * n_boundary_per_element, n_boundary_basis]
# the count = 2 means the boundary is shared by two elements, otherwise the boundary is on the boundary of the domain
unique_boundaries, inverse_indices, counts = boundaries.unique(dim=0, return_counts=True, return_inverse=True) # [n_boundary_element, n_boundary_basis]
assert counts.max() == 2, f"the maximum number of elements sharing a boundary is 2, but got {counts.max()}"
valid_mask = counts == 2 # [n_boundary_element]
# for the each element, which boundary is shared by two elements
valid_mask = valid_mask[inverse_indices] # [n_element * n_boundary_per_element]
ele_ids_bd = ele_ids # [n_element * n_boundary_per_element]
# only keep the shared boundary elements, but now it's shuffled
ele_ids_bd = ele_ids_bd[valid_mask] # [n_shared_boundary * 2]
# by sorting the inverse_indices, we can get the order like [0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,...]
sort_index=torch.argsort(inverse_indices[valid_mask]) # [n_shared_boundary * 2]
# and then we can get the shared boundary elements in order
ele_ids_bd = ele_ids_bd[sort_index] # [n_shared_boundary * 2]
edges = ele_ids_bd.reshape(-1, 2).T # [2, n_shared_boundary]
# add the reverse direction
edges =[edges, torch.stack([edges[1], edges[0]])], -1)
return edges
elements = self.elements(element_type)
if isinstance(elements, torch.Tensor):
n_element = elements.shape[0]
boundaries= get_boundary(self.default_eletyp) # [n_boundary_per_element, n_boundary_basis]
if isinstance(boundaries, torch.Tensor):
boundaries= elements[:, boundaries] # [n_element, n_boundary_per_element, n_boundary_basis]
n_boundary_per_element = boundaries.shape[1]
n_boundary_basis = boundaries.shape[-1]
edges = get_element_adjacency(torch.arange(n_element).repeat_interleave(n_boundary_per_element), boundaries.reshape(-1, n_boundary_basis))
elif isinstance(boundaries, dict):
edges = []
for k,v in boundaries.items():
n_boundary_per_element = v.shape[1]
n_boundary_basis = v.shape[-1]
edges.append(get_element_adjacency(torch.arange(n_element).repeat_interleave(n_boundary_per_element), v.reshape(-1, n_boundary_basis)))
edges =, -1)
return SparseMatrix(torch.ones(edges.shape[1]), edges[0], edges[1], (n_element, n_element))
else: # mix of different element types
assert reduce(eq, [topological_dimension[k] for k in elements.keys()]), f"all elements should be of same dimension, but got {elements.keys()}"
n_element = sum([v.shape[0] for v in elements.values()])
ele_ids = torch.arange(n_element)
boundaries = {}
ele_ids = {}
ele_ptr = 0
for element_type, element in elements.items():
# breakpoint()
partial_boundaries = get_boundary(element_type)
partial_boundaries = element[:, partial_boundaries] # [n_element, n_boundary_per_element, n_boundary_basis]
partial_ele_ids = torch.arange(ele_ptr, ele_ptr + element.shape[0])
if isinstance(partial_boundaries, torch.Tensor):
n_boundary_per_element = partial_boundaries.shape[1]
n_boundary_basis = partial_boundaries.shape[-1]
if n_boundary_basis in boundaries:
boundaries[n_boundary_basis] = [partial_boundaries]
ele_ids[n_boundary_basis] = [partial_ele_ids.repeat_interleave(n_boundary_per_element)]
elif isinstance(partial_boundaries, dict):
for k,v in partial_boundaries.items():
n_boundary_per_element = v.shape[1]
n_boundary_basis = v.shape[-1]
if n_boundary_basis in boundaries:
boundaries[n_boundary_basis] = [v]
ele_ids[n_boundary_basis] = [partial_ele_ids.repeat_interleave(n_boundary_per_element)]
ele_ptr += element.shape[0]
for k, v in boundaries.items():
boundaries[k] =[i.reshape(-1,i.shape[-1]) for i in v], 0)
ele_ids[k] =[k], 0)
edges = []
for k in boundaries.keys():
edges.append(get_element_adjacency(ele_ids[k], boundaries[k]))
edges =, -1)
return SparseMatrix(torch.ones(edges.shape[1]), edges[0], edges[1], (n_element, n_element))
[docs] def elements(self, element_type=None):
element_type: str or Iterable[str] or None
the type of the elements
if None is the :obj:`default_eletyp` will be used
default : None
torch.Tensor or Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
if :obj:`element_type` is :obj:`str`, return the corresponding elements connections of shape :math:`[|\\mathcal C|, B]`, where :math:`|\\mathcal C|` is the number of elements and :math:`B` is the number of basis functions
if :obj:`element_typs` is :obj:`Iterable[str]`, return the mapping of corresponding elements connections of shape :math:`[|\\mathcal C|, B]`, where :math:`|\\mathcal C|` is the number of elements and :math:`B` is the number of basis functions
if :obj:`element_type` is :obj:`None`, the :obj:`element_type` will be the :obj:`default_element_type` and do as above
if element_type is None:
element_type = self.default_eletyp
if isinstance(element_type, str):
return self.cells[element_type]
elif isinstance(element_type, Iterable):
return {k:self.cells[k] for k in element_type}
raise Exception(f"element_type must be str or Iterable[str], but got {element_type}")
[docs] def clone(self):
"""The gradient will vanish if you use :obj:`torch.Tensor.clone` to clone the mesh, so we provide this method to clone the mesh
the cloned mesh
return Mesh(self.to_meshio())
[docs] def plot(self, values= None, save_path=None, backend="matplotlib", dt=None, show_mesh=False):
values: None or Dict[str, torch.Tensor] or Dict[str, List[torch.Tensor]]
the values to plot, if None, only plot the mesh
if :obj:`Dict[str, torch.Tensor]`, a static subplots will be plotted, the key is the name of the subplot, the value is of shape :math:`[|\\mathcal V|]`, where :math:`|\\mathcal V|` is the number of points
if :obj:`Dict[str, List[torch.Tensor]]`, a mp4/gif will be plotted, the key is the name of the subplot, each item in the list is of shape :math:`[|\\mathcal V|]`, where :math:`|\\mathcal V|` is the number of points
default: None
save_path: str or None
the path to save the plot, if None, it will not be saved
if the :obj:`values` is passed in as :obj:`Dict[str, List[torch.Tensor]]`, the :obj:`save_path` must endswith '.mp4' or '.gif'
default: None
backend: str
the backend of the plot, must be one of ['matplotlib', 'pyvista']
default: 'matplotlib'
dt: float or None
the time interval between each frame, only used when :obj:`values` is passed in as :obj:`Dict[str, List[torch.Tensor]]`
default: None
show_mesh: bool
whether to show the mesh, when :obj:`values` is passed in as :obj:`Dict[str, List[torch.Tensor]]` or :obj:`Dict[str, torch.Tensor]`
default: False
# from ..visualization import plot_value_matplotlib, plot_pyvista
# plot_fns = {
# "pyvista":plot_pyvista,
# "matplotlib":plot_matplotlib,
# }
# assert backend in plot_fns.keys(), f"backend must be one of {list(plot_fns.keys())}, but got {backend}"
# return plot_fns[backend](kwargs, self, save_path, dt, show_mesh)
from ..visualization import plot_value_matplotlib, plot_mesh_matplotlib
if values is None:
return plot_mesh_matplotlib(self, save_path)
return plot_value_matplotlib(values, self, save_path, dt, show_mesh)
def n_point(self):
the number of nodes/vertices/points :math:`|\\mathcal V|`
return self.points.shape[0]
def boundary_mask(self):
1D tensor of shape :math:`[|\mathcal V|]`, where :math:`|\mathcal V|` is the number of points
the mask of the boundary points, :obj:`"is_boundary"` key or :obj:`"boundary_mask"` key is required in :attr:`point_data`
if "is_boundary" in self.point_data.keys():
return self.point_data["is_boundary"]
elif "boundary_mask" in self.point_data.keys():
return self.point_data["boundary_mask"]
raise Exception("'boundary_mask' or 'is_boundary' is not found in point_data")
def default_element_type(self):
str or List[str]
the default element type, if the mesh is composed of mixed elements, it will return List[str],
otherwise it will return str
return self.default_eletyp
def dtype(self):
the data type of the points, e.g., torch.float32, torch.float64
return self.points.dtype
def device(self):
the device of the points, e.g., torch.device("cpu"), torch.device("cuda:0")
return self.points.device
[docs] @classmethod
def from_meshio(cls,mesh):
mesh: meshio.Mesh
a meshio mesh object
the mesh object
return cls(mesh)
[docs] @classmethod
def read(cls, file_name:str, file_format:str=None):
file_name: str
the name of the file
file_format: str
the format of the file, e.g., 'msh', 'vtk', 'obj'
default is the file extension
the mesh object
return cls(, file_format))
[docs] @classmethod
def from_file(cls, file_name:str, file_format:str=None):
file_name: str
the name of the file
file_format: str
the format of the file, e.g., 'msh', 'vtk', 'obj'
default is the file extension
the mesh object
return, file_format)
[docs] @staticmethod
def gen_rectangle(chara_length=0.1,
left=0.0, right=1.0, bottom=0.0, top=1.0,
chara_length: float, optional
the characteristic length of the mesh,
default: :obj:`0.1`
order: int, optional
the order of the basis function,
default: :obj:`1`
element_type: str, optional
the type of the element,
default: :obj:`"tri"`
left: float, optional
the left boundary of the rectangle,
default: :obj:`0.0`
right: float, optional
the right boundary of the rectangle,
default: :obj:`1.0`
bottom: float, optional
the bottom boundary of the rectangle,
default: :obj:`0.0`
top: float, optional
the top boundary of the rectangle,
default: :obj:`1.0`
visualize: bool, optional
whether to visualize the mesh,
default: :obj:`False`
cache_path: str, optional
the path to save the mesh, if :obj:`None`, it will be decided by :meth:`torch_fem.dataset.mesh.gen_rectangle`,
default: :obj:`None`
the mesh object
from ..dataset import gen_rectangle
return gen_rectangle(chara_length, order, element_type, left, right, bottom, top, visualize, cache_path)
[docs] @staticmethod
def gen_hollow_rectangle(
outer_left=0.0, outer_right=1.0, outer_bottom=0.0, outer_top=1.0,
inner_left = 0.25, inner_right=0.75,
inner_bottom =0.25, inner_top=0.75,
chara_length: float, optional
the characteristic length of the mesh,
default: :obj:`0.1`
order: int, optional
the order of the basis function,
default: :obj:`1`
element_type: str, optional
the type of the element,
default: :obj:`"quad"`
outer_left: float, optional
the left boundary of the outer rectangle,
default: :obj:`0.0`
outer_right: float, optional
the right boundary of the outer rectangle,
default: :obj:`1.0`
outer_bottom: float, optional
the bottom boundary of the outer rectangle,
default: :obj:`0.0`
outer_top: float, optional
the top boundary of the outer rectangle,
default: :obj:`1.0`
inner_left: float, optional
the left boundary of the inner rectangle,
default: :obj:`0.25`
inner_right: float, optional
the right boundary of the inner rectangle,
default: :obj:`0.75`
inner_bottom: float, optional
the bottom boundary of the inner rectangle,
default: :obj:`0.25`
inner_top: float, optional
the top boundary of the inner rectangle,
default: :obj:`0.75`
visualize: bool, optional
whether to visualize the mesh,
default: :obj:`False`
cache_path: str, optional
the path to save the mesh, if :obj:`None`, it will be decided by :meth:`torch_fem.dataset.mesh.gen_hollow_rectangle`,
default: :obj:`None`
the mesh object
from ..dataset import gen_hollow_rectangle
return gen_hollow_rectangle(chara_length,
outer_left, outer_right, outer_bottom, outer_top,
inner_left, inner_right,
inner_bottom, inner_top,
[docs] @staticmethod
def gen_circle(chara_length=0.1,
cx = 0.0, cy = 0.0, r = 1.0,
chara_length: float, optional
the characteristic length of the mesh,
default: :obj:`0.1`
order: int, optional
the order of the basis function,
default: :obj:`1`
element_type: str, optional
the type of the element,
default: :obj:`"tri"`
cx: float, optional
the x coordinate of the center of the circle,
default: :obj:`0.0`
cy: float, optional
the y coordinate of the center of the circle,
default: :obj:`0.0`
r: float, optional
the radius of the circle,
default: :obj:`1.0`
visualize: bool, optional
whether to visualize the mesh,
default: :obj:`False`
cache_path: str, optional
the path to save the mesh, if :obj:`None`, it will be decided by :meth:`torch_fem.dataset.mesh.gen_circle`,
default: :obj:`None`
the mesh object
from ..dataset import gen_circle
return gen_circle(chara_length, order, element_type, cx, cy, r, visualize, cache_path)
[docs] @staticmethod
def gen_hollow_circle(chara_length=0.1,
cx = 0.0, cy = 0.0, r_inner = 1.0, r_outer = 2.0,
chara_length: float, optional
the characteristic length of the mesh,
default: :obj:`0.1`
order: int, optional
the order of the basis function,
default: :obj:`1`
element_type: str, optional
the type of the element,
default: :obj:`"quad"`
cx: float, optional
the x coordinate of the center of the circle,
default: :obj:`0.0`
cy: float, optional
the y coordinate of the center of the circle,
default: :obj:`0.0`
r_inner: float, optional
the inner radius of the circle,
default: :obj:`1.0`
r_outer: float, optional
the outer radius of the circle,
default: :obj:`2.0`
visualize: bool, optional
whether to visualize the mesh,
default: :obj:`False`
cache_path: str, optional
the path to save the mesh, if :obj:`None`, it will be decided by :meth:`torch_fem.dataset.mesh.gen_hollow_circle`,
default: :obj:`None`
the mesh object
from ..dataset import gen_hollow_circle
return gen_hollow_circle(chara_length,
cx, cy, r_inner, r_outer,
[docs] @staticmethod
def gen_L(chara_length=0.1,
left=0.0, right=1.0, bottom=0.0, top=1.0,
chara_length: float, optional
the characteristic length of the mesh,
default: :obj:`0.1`
order: int, optional
the order of the basis function,
default: :obj:`1`
element_type: str, optional
the type of the element,
default: :obj:`"quad"`
left: float, optional
the left boundary of the rectangle,
default: :obj:`0.0`
right: float, optional
the right boundary of the rectangle,
default: :obj:`1.0`
bottom: float, optional
the bottom boundary of the rectangle,
default: :obj:`0.0`
top: float, optional
the top boundary of the rectangle,
default: :obj:`1.0`
top_inner: float, optional
the top inner boundary of the rectangle,
default: :obj:`0.5`
right_inner: float, optional
the right inner boundary of the rectangle,
default: :obj:`0.5`
visualize: bool, optional
whether to visualize the mesh,
default: :obj:`False`
cache_path: str, optional
the path to save the mesh, if :obj:`None`, it will be decided by :meth:`torch_fem.dataset.mesh.gen_L`,
default: :obj:`None`
the mesh object
from ..dataset import gen_L
return gen_L(chara_length, order, element_type, left, right, bottom, top, top_inner, right_inner, visualize, cache_path)
[docs] @staticmethod
def gen_cube(chara_length=0.1,
left=0.0, right=1.0,
bottom=0.0, top=1.0,
front=0.0, back=1.0,
chara_length: float, optional
the characteristic length of the mesh,
default: :obj:`0.1`
order: int, optional
the order of the basis function,
default: :obj:`1`
left: float, optional
the left boundary of the cube,
default: :obj:`0.0`
right: float, optional
the right boundary of the cube,
default: :obj:`1.0`
bottom: float, optional
the bottom boundary of the cube,
default: :obj:`0.0`
top: float, optional
the top boundary of the cube,
default: :obj:`1.0`
front: float, optional
the front boundary of the cube,
default: :obj:`0.0`
back: float, optional
the back boundary of the cube,
default: :obj:`1.0`
visualize: bool, optional
whether to visualize the mesh,
default: :obj:`False`
cache_path: str, optional
the path to save the mesh, if :obj:`None`, it will be decided by :meth:`torch_fem.dataset.mesh.gen_cube`,
default: :obj:`None`
the mesh object
from ..dataset import gen_cube
return gen_cube(chara_length, order, left, right, bottom, top, front, back, visualize, cache_path)
[docs] @staticmethod
def gen_hollow_cube(chara_length=0.1,
outer_left=0.0, outer_right=1.0,
outer_bottom=0.0, outer_top=1.0,
outer_front=0.0, outer_back=1.0,
inner_left=0.25, inner_right=0.75,
inner_bottom=0.25, inner_top=0.75,
inner_front=0.25, inner_back=0.75,
chara_length: float, optional
the characteristic length of the mesh,
default: :obj:`0.1`
order: int, optional
the order of the basis function,
default: :obj:`1`
outer_left: float, optional
the left boundary of the outer cube,
default: :obj:`0.0`
outer_right: float, optional
the right boundary of the outer cube,
default: :obj:`1.0`
outer_bottom: float, optional
the bottom boundary of the outer cube,
default: :obj:`0.0`
outer_top: float, optional
the top boundary of the outer cube,
default: :obj:`1.0`
outer_front: float, optional
the front boundary of the outer cube,
default: :obj:`0.0`
outer_back: float, optional
the back boundary of the outer cube,
default: :obj:`1.0`
inner_left: float, optional
the left boundary of the inner cube,
default: :obj:`0.25`
inner_right: float, optional
the right boundary of the inner cube,
default: :obj:`0.75`
inner_bottom: float, optional
the bottom boundary of the inner cube,
default: :obj:`0.25`
inner_top: float, optional
the top boundary of the inner cube,
default: :obj:`0.75`
inner_front: float, optional
the front boundary of the inner cube,
default: :obj:`0.25`
inner_back: float, optional
the back boundary of the inner cube,
default: :obj:`0.75`
visualize: bool, optional
whether to visualize the mesh,
default: :obj:`False`
cache_path: str, optional
the path to save the mesh, if :obj:`None`, it will be decided by :meth:`torch_fem.dataset.mesh.gen_hollow_cube`,
default: :obj:`None`
the mesh object
from ..dataset import gen_hollow_cube
return gen_hollow_cube(chara_length,
outer_left, outer_right,
outer_bottom, outer_top,
outer_front, outer_back,
inner_left, inner_right,
inner_bottom, inner_top,
inner_front, inner_back,
[docs] @staticmethod
def gen_sphere(chara_length=0.1,
cx = 0.0, cy = 0.0, cz=0.0, r = 1.0,
chara_length: float, optional
the characteristic length of the mesh,
default: :obj:`0.1`
order: int, optional
the order of the basis function,
default: :obj:`1`
cx: float, optional
the x coordinate of the center of the sphere,
default: :obj:`0.0`
cy: float, optional
the y coordinate of the center of the sphere,
default: :obj:`0.0`
cz: float, optional
the z coordinate of the center of the sphere,
default: :obj:`0.0`
r: float, optional
the radius of the sphere,
default: :obj:`1.0`
visualize: bool, optional
whether to visualize the mesh,
default: :obj:`False`
cache_path: str, optional
the path to save the mesh, if :obj:`None`, it will be decided by :meth:`torch_fem.dataset.mesh.gen_sphere`,
default: :obj:`None`
the mesh object
from ..dataset import gen_sphere
return gen_sphere(chara_length, order, cx, cy, cz, r, visualize, cache_path)
[docs] @staticmethod
def gen_hollow_sphere(chara_length=0.1,
cx = 0.0, cy = 0.0, cz=0.0, r_inner = 1.0, r_outer = 2.0,
chara_length: float, optional
the characteristic length of the mesh,
default: :obj:`0.1`
order: int, optional
the order of the basis function,
default: :obj:`1`
cx: float, optional
the x coordinate of the center of the sphere,
default: :obj:`0.0`
cy: float, optional
the y coordinate of the center of the sphere,
default: :obj:`0.0`
cz: float, optional
the z coordinate of the center of the sphere,
default: :obj:`0.0`
r_inner: float, optional
the inner radius of the sphere,
default: :obj:`1.0`
r_outer: float, optional
the outer radius of the sphere,
default: :obj:`2.0`
visualize: bool, optional
whether to visualize the mesh,
default: :obj:`False`
cache_path: str, optional
the path to save the mesh, if :obj:`None`, it will be decided by :meth:`torch_fem.dataset.mesh.gen_hollow_sphere`,
default: :obj:`None`
the mesh object
from ..dataset import gen_hollow_sphere
return gen_hollow_sphere(chara_length, order, cx, cy, cz, r_inner, r_outer, visualize, cache_path)
Mesh.__autodoc__ = [i for i in dir(Mesh) if not i.startswith("_")]