Computational Physics Question Card
1. RNG
What is Mersenne number? what is Mersenne prime number ?
, when is prime
What is the advantage and disadvantage of multiplicative RNG and additive RNG?
multiplicative simpler, faster, not good sequence
additive complex, slower, better sequence
How many RNG algorithm do you remember?
congruential, lagged fibonacci RNG
What is Congruential RNG? Is it additive or Multiplicative?
, multiplicative
What’s the max period or congruential RNG? When achieve it?
, when is a Mersenne prime number ,
Lagged Fibonacci
What is Lagged Fibonacci RNG? Is it additive or Multiplicative?
, additive
How to generate the initial sequence before
use a congruential generator
What’s the max period?
What condition should the parameter satisfy? and the smallest number for it?
$T_{c,d}(z) = 1+z^c + z^d $ (Zieler Trinomial)cannot be factorized, (250,103)
How good is RNG?
What kind of method could be used to measure RNG?
square test, cube test, test, average value, spectral analysis, serial correlation test
What is square test?
, no cluster means good
What is cube test?
, should be distributed homogenously
What is test
the distribution around the mean value should behave like a Gaussian distribution
What is average test?
What is spectral analysis?
should correspond to a uniform distribution
Quasi Monte Carlo
What is quasi Monte Carlo approches?
use low-discrepancy sequence for Monte Carlo sampling
What is the error bounds in quasi-Monte Carlo? is the error bounds deterministic?
is the problem dimension, is number of sampling,yes
What is the error of Monte Carlo sampling? When quasi MC is better than MC?
, number of samples is large enough
What is the advantage of quasi MC?
quasi MC better convergence as increase, and error bounds is deterministic
Discrepancy and low-discrepancy sequence
What is D-star discrepancy?
for every subset of get the biggest difference between the volume and average points density.
How to judge if a sequence is a low discrepancy sequence?
Non Uniform Distribution
What are two method to perform transformation?
mapping, rejection method
How do mapping work for unit sphere from ?
How do mapping work for exponential distribution?
the exponential distribution is defined as
How do mapping work for gaussian? (Box-Muller transform)
the gaussian distribution is written as
What condition should transformation method satify?
integrability, invertibility
How to make rejection faster?
individual box(Riemann-integral)
What is the Amdahl’s law?
, is the sequential part, is the speed up ratio
How many methods do you know in Julia for parallel programming?
asynchronous, multi-threading, distributed, gpu
2. Percolation
What is the main goal of percolation?
study the formation of clusters
What are two types of percolation?
site/bond percolation
What is percolated ?
as occupation rate go to some point, cluster size will go to infinite (phase transition)
Phase Transition
What name is the phase transition occuring in percolation?
second-order phase transition
What is the percolation strength, and it’s definition near at $p=1 $ and
infinite cluster , , , is percolation strength/order parameter, it strongly depends on the problem
which lattice has the highest 2d threshold site and bond ?
what is wrapping probability?
the probability system is percolated.
Cluster Size Distribution
What is cluster size distribution?
: occupation probability
: system’s side length
: number of clusters of size
What phenomenon will you find for cluster size distribution with different ?
, as , are higher
, straight line
, as , are lower
What do you observe in the test for the cluster size? ()
There is a spike near
Burning Method
What information can burning method provide?
a boolean feedback(yes or no percolated),
minimal path length
Write a short code for burning method
15def burning_method(L=16):
lattice = np.random.randint(0, 2, (L, L)) # 0 empty 1 occupied
t = 2
lattice[0][lattice[0]==1] = t
while True:
cells = np.where(lattice == t)[0]
burn_neighbor = False
for cell in cells:
for neighbor in neighbors[cell]:
if neighbor == 1:
lattice[neighbor] = t+1
burn_neighbor = True
if not burn_neighbor
t += 1 -
How to count the largest cluster size of a random generated lattice?
similar to the burning algorithm but from another side.
Hoshen-Kopelmann Algorithm
What is the Hoshen-Kopelman used for?
know how the different clusters are distributed
What is the complexity of Hoshen-Kopelman Algorithm?
linear to the number of sites
Write a short code for Hoshen-Kopelmann algorithm
18def hoshen_kopelmann(L=16):
lattice = np.random.randint(0, 2, (L, L))
M = np.array([0,0]) # cluster counter
for i in range(L):
for j in range(L):
if lattice[i,j] == 1:
if no_left(i,j) and no_top(i,j): # no left and no top neighbor
lattice[i,j] = len(M);
M = np.append(M, 1)
elif no_left(i,j) ^ no_top(i,j): # either left or top neighbor
k0 = lattice[i-1,j] if no_left(i,j) else lattice[i, j-1]
lattice[i,j] = k0
M[k0] += 1
else: # has left and top neighbors
k1, k2 = lattice[i-1, j], lattice[i, j-1]
lattice[i,j] = k1
M[k1] = M[k1] + M[k2] + 1
M[k2] = -k1
3. Fractal
what is the fractal dimension?
for fractal dimension , if the length is stretched by factor of , it’s volume(mass) grows by
What is the fractal dimension of Sierpinski triangle?
Sandbox method
Write a short code for sandbox method
7def sandbox(lattice):
R_2s = np.arange(1,lattice.shape[0] // 2) # half size of R
NRs = np.zeros_like(R_2s)
Rs = R_2s * 2
for i,R_2 in enumerate(R_2s):
NRs[i] = lattice[R_2:-R_2,R_2:-R_2].sum()
plot_log_log(NRs, Rs)growing boxes from center
what is the slope of the log-log plot () of sandbox method
fractal dimension
Box counting method
write a short code for box counting method
8def box_counting(lattice):
epsilon = lattice.shape[0]
N_epsilons = []
epsilons = []
while epsilon >= 1:
N_epsilon = maxpool2d(lattice, epsilon).sum()
epsilon = epsilon // 2
plot_log_log(N_epsilons,epsilons) -
what is the slope of the log-log plot () of box counting algorithm
fractal dimension
Fractals & Percolation
What is the correlation function ? And what does the expression mean?
counts the filled sites within a dimension hyper shell of thick with radius and normalize by the surface area
What is the common relation for
decrease exponentially with , , is correlation length, propotional to the radius of a typical cluster
When is correlation singular?
is singular at , where
How does behave when is singular?
, where
What’s the relation between the fractal dimension and dimension ?
4. Cellular Automata
Illustrate the components defining a cellular automata
: lattice, : state of each site at time , update rules, : neighbors
What is the synchronous dynamics?
rules applied simultaneously to all sites
What’s the difference between Von Neumann neighborhood and Moore neighborhood?
Von Neumann: 4, Moore: 8
What’s the four types of boundaries?
periodic, fixed, adiabatic, reflection
Game of Life
What is the neighborhood for Game of Life?
Moore neighborhood
What’s the rule for Game of Life ?
neighbors action dead, because of isolation unchange birth dead, because of over population -
List some periodic pattern in Game of Life
pattern animation glider glider gun
Langton Ant
What’s the observation of the Langton Ant?
- chaotic phase of about 10000 steps
- form highway
- walk on highway
What’s the rule for Langton Ant?
cell state action white turn left, and paint the cell gray gray turn right, and paint the cell white
Traffic model
Consider one-dimension Cellular Automata with as nearest neighbors. What does mean?
which stands for rule
entries 111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 -
In above setting, how many possible rules for 1 D Cellular Automata with ?
What phenomenon will you observe for number of moving cars when
when , traffic jam will happen
HPP model
What does the HPP lattice look like?
HPP lattice is defined on a 2d square lattice, also one could use hexagonal grid with two possible result
Describe the steps of HPP model.
- collision
- propagation/streaming
How many bits of information at each site are enough for HPP model ?
4, : three particles entering the site in direction 1,3,4
5. Monte Carlo
the main steps of a MC method?
random choose a new configuration in phase space,
accept or reject new configuration,
compute physical quantity and add it to the averaging procedure,
with is the error of MC? is it depend on the dimension?
, no
Buffon’s Needle
Suppose the length of the needle is and distance of grid is . What is the probability of the needle cross the line?
when simple sampling MC integration works well?
when is smooth
what’s the error of conventional integration(Trapezoidal Rule) ?
What’s the error in simple MC integration?
, it’s independent of the dimension
What’s the curcial points for MC method(MC more efficient than conventional method)?
Describe the steps for high dimension integration using MC.
- choose particle position
- make sure new sphere not overlap with pre-existing spheres. If it overlap, reject and sample again
Given a distribution better enclose the , describe the steps for sampling better
- if y > try again, else return
Importance Sampling
- Given the sampling from which is better enclose , how to integrate using Importance Sampling?
Control Variate
What is Control Variate?
If I want to use control variates, what condition should satisfy
- is known
Quasi Monte Carlo
What is Quasi Monte Carlo?
use low discrepancy generator to choose
What’s the theoretical error bound for Quasi Monte Carlo?
Does the convergence for Quasi Monte Carlo faster than theoretical?
When does Quasi Monte Carlo better than the Monte Carlo?
Multi Level Monte Carlo
For a level MLMC, the cost/variance/ for each level is , what’s the cost/variance/sample number for MLMC?
6. Markov Chain
given the transition probability and acceptance probability , what’s the overall probability of a configuration?
What’s the master equation for the evolution of the probability ?
What’s the three condition a Markov Chain should satisfy?
- Ergodicitty:
- Normalization:
- Homogeneity:
What’s Detailed Balance ?
steady state of the Markov process
M(RT) Algorithm
What’s Metropolis algorithm?
What’s M(RT) algorithm?
- randomly choose configuration
- compute
if it will always accept
What’s the equilibrium distribution of the M(RT) algorithm ?
the Boltzmann distribution
Ising Model
Describe the Ising Model
: magnetization, a particle spin up else
: susceptibility,
: inverse temperature,
How to apply M(RT) algorithm to Ising Model
- randomly choose configuration
- compute
What is the critical temperature for Ising Model ?
6. Finite Difference
Error Estimation
How many kinds of errors can be categorized?
- input data error
- computational rounding error : float point
- truncation error : infinite term/linear approximation
- mathematical model error : flawless assumption
- human&machine error
Are mathematically equivalent formulas also numerically equivalent? why?
no, for example and
What is error propagation? How to compute it?
What is ill-conditioned and well-conditioned ?
ill-conditioned : small changes in the input data can result in large changes in the output data
well-conditioned : small changes in the input data only result in small changes in the output data
Discretization in Space and Time
- What’s the parabolic/hyperbolic/elliptic form?
- parabolic:
- hyperbolic:
- elliptic:
What is Forward in Time, Backward in Space?
What is the order of accuracy for FTBS?
first order accuracy
Assume , when is FTBS stable and when is it unstable?
the Domain of Dependence(DoD) for FTBS is , within the DoD the domain is stable.
Solving the linear advection condition with FTBS, what is the in Von-Neumann Stability?
What is Forward in Time Center in Space ?
Solving the linear advection condition with FTCS, what is the in Von-Neumann Stability? What’s different from FTCS?
What is Centred in Time, Centred in Space ?
How to get the second term
use FTCS
Assume , when is CTCS stable and when is it unstable?
The DoD for CTCS is , within the DoD, it’s stable.
Solving the linear advection condition with CTCS, what is the in Von-Neumann Stability? What’s different from FTBS?
- The solution is stable and not damping since
- There are two solutions, one is spurious computational mode, one is the realistic solution
What is Backward in Time, Centred in Space?
Is BTCS implicit?
Numerical Analysis
What is Numerical diffusion and Numerical dispersion?
Numerical diffusion: smooth out sharp corners
Numerical dispersion: Fourier components travel at different speeds
What is Lax-Equivalence Theorem?
What is Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy(CFL) criterion? What’s the CFT condition for linear advection ?
What’s the typical for explicit method and implicit method?
for explicit method, for implicit method
What is Von-Neumann Stability Analysis?
condition behavior stable and damping neutral stable unstable and amplyfying
Phase velocity
What is the phase velocity in linear advection ?
What is the amplification factor of linear advection analytical solution?
What is the phase speed for amplification factor with wave number ?
What is the amplification factor of CTCS?
What is the phase speed in linear advection when using CTCS method? What phenomenon do you observe?
- There are two solutions, the positive one is the physical mode.
- The physical mode is close to the ground truth when and is very small.
Shallow water equation
What is the equation for incompressible navier stokes?
Assume the gravity only in direction, what PDE equation can we get from the incompressible navier stokes? How about 1D condition?
1 D condition
In 1 D wave condition, assume and , give the unstaggered(A-grid) and staggered(C-grid) formular of centered in space. Assume , what are the stable conditions for them?
stable for
stable for
better at high frequency
7. Time Integration
What’s the difference between truncation error and round-off error?
Truncation error results from Taylor expansion
Roundoff error results from the float point computation
What is the round off error for explicit euler of timestep ?
What is the truncation error for explicit euler of timestep ?
What are the two main drawbacks of explicit euler compared to rounge kutta method?
- it’s numerical instable
- it has first order of truncation error which is lager then rounge kutta
Describe the picture below.
What is Symplectic?
Given Hamitonian transformation that , what is the modified Hamitoninan transformation for the first order of ?
Describe the picture below from the conservation view.
8. Maxwell Equation
Give the general formula of Vlasov-Maxwell-Boltzmann equation describing the plasma distribution .
: advection in real space
: advection in velocity space
: lorentz force
:collision term, normally in Vlasov equation
particle in cell
Describe the Particle in Cell(PIC) method.
Boris Algorithm
Describe the Boris Algorithm.
Show what the absence of of the Boris algorithm conserves kinetic energy.
Describe the Yee-Cell method.
How to determine the time step ?
where is dimension
How to minimize the error of by scaling ?
9. Nbody Problem
- List some algorithm to solve n-body problem numerically.
- PIC(Particle in Cell) : grid field solver
- P3M(Particle-particle Particle-Mesh) : split forces into short and long range
- Langevin : using Rosenbluth potentials
- SPH(Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) : between finite sized
- FMM(Fast multipole method) : use center of force
- Tree Methods : mesh free
PIC(Particle In Cell)
P3M(Particle-Particle Particle-Mesh)
- Describe the general idea of P3M algorithm.
- nearby particles - nbody calculation
- fa away particles - PIC algorithm