Inverse Differential Kinematics : where is (desired) end-effector velocity
full column rank :
full row rank :
damped :
singularity :
solution : 1. damped, 2. redundancy
Multi-task Inverse Differential Kinematics :
Equal Priority :
task weighted : where
Prioritization : where where is the null space
example :
Inverse Kinematics
Numerical Solution :
while do
Trajectory Control
Position :
Orientation :
floating base kinematics, un-actuated base coordinate + actuated joint coordinate
Generalized Velocity : , where is the floating base, is the inertial frame
Forward Kinematics : where describe the orientation of the floating base
Differential Kinematics:
Contact and Constraint : , where , is the number of contacts
Generalized Equation of Motion
: generalized position, velocity, acceleration
: generalized mass matrix
: coriolis and centrifugal terms, where
: gravitational terms
Example :
: generalized torques acting in direction of generalized coordinate external generalized forces,
actuator generalized force , is torque here
external generalized force
: selection matrix of actuated joints
: external Cartesian forces (e.g. from contacts)
Soft Contact Model :
Contact Force from Constraint :
: Geometric Jacobian corresponding to external force
Kinect Energy :
Potential Energy :
Dynamics of Floating Base System
Contact Force
Soft Contact :
Constraint Contact :
Constraint Consistent Dynamics :
Impulse Transfer
end-effector inertia :
instantaneous change :
post-impact generalized velocity :
Energy Loss :
Joint Space Dynamic Control
Gravity Compensation :
Inverse Dynamics Control : ,
Task Space Dynamic Control :
Multi-task Decomposition :
Equal Priority :
Prioritization : where where is the null space
End-effector Dynamics :
: end-effector inertia
: end-effector centrifugal/Coriolis
: end-effector gravitational
joint torque
End-effector Motion Control :
Operational Space Control :
, where if the axis is free of motion, otherwise
Inverse Dynamics for Floating-Base Systems
Hierarchical Least Square Optimization : with priority
: number of tasks
: initial optimal solution
: initial null-space projector
for do
: null-space, normally ,
Legged Robot
Input :
Optimization Target :
Tasks :
Equation of Motion :
End Effector Desired Velocity : where
Torque minimize :
Torque limits : and
Contact Force minimize :
Friction Cone : for problem
[HO]Hierarchical Least Square Optimization
: Thrust force for propeller , generate lift for keeping the rotorcraft in the air
: Drag force of propeller , rotor drag
: Thrust Induced moment,
: Drag torques/moment
: transition from earth frame to body frame ,
: Body Angular Velocity
: Rotational Speed of Propeller
: Basis Translation Velocity
: Distance of the propeller from the central of gravity
Control of Quadrotor
Equilibrium :
Altitude Control
Position Control
: rotation matrix from navigation to body frame
: poistion vector for propeller ,
: gravity
: thrust
: drag moment
: thrust induced moment
MAV Control
Propeller Aerodynamics
: no change of speed across rotor/propeller disc
: change in pressure
: far wake slipstream velocity is twice the induced velocity
Hover case :
: Thrust force
Aerodynamic force perpendicular to propeller plane
: Drag torque
torque around rotor plane in the opposite direction of the propeller spinning direction
, depend on blade pitch angle, reynolds number ...
: hub force
opposite to horizontal flight direction
: Rolling moment
around flight direction
, depend on the advance ratio
[BEMT]Blade Elemental and Momentum Theory : calculate forces for each element and sum them up
Ailerons (rolling)
Elevator (pitching)
Rudder (yawing)
: angle of attach
stall : stall is not safe
: sideslip angle
: pitch angle
: roll angle , rotate about -axis
: yaw angle
: flight path angle, defined from horizon to
: heading angle, defined from North to
: wind velocity
: ground-based inertial velocity
: Lift ,where is the surface area
: Drag , perpendicular to Lift, parallel to air velocity
minimum fuel for straight :
minimum fuel for circle :
: rolling moment , where is the wing span
: pitching moment , where is the chord,
: yawing moment
Steady Level Turning Flight
steady :
level :
turning : :
Total Energy Control System
Modeling for Control (Linearized Plant)
Longitudinal Plant
input :
output :
Short Period Mode :
exchange between kinetic and potential energy: slow
Phugoid Mode :
oscillation of angle of attack : fast
Lateral Plant
input :
output :
Spiral Mode : unstable
Dutch Roll Mode :
Roll Subsidence
: A homogeneous transformation from frame to applied to avector only changes its representation but not the underlying
: A rotation matrix between from frame to applied to a vectoronly changes its representation but not the underlying
: A planar two-link robot arm has a unique solution to the inverse kinematicproblem
: For a planar two-link robot arm, the differential inverse kinematic algorithm always converges to the same solution irrespective of initial configuration
: floating base in 3-dimensional space there exists a choice of generalized coordinates such that the analytical and geometric orientationJacobian are equal
: Given a perfect model, a robotic arm controlled by a PD controller with gravity compensation can achieve zero tracking error for any desired trajectory.
: When choosing a unit quaternion as part of the generalized coordinatesof a free-floating rigid body in 3D space, the mass matrix must have dimensions
Legged Robot
: For a bipedal system with two point feet on the ground, every torquecommand results in a unique acceleration
: For a bipedal system with two point feet on the ground, every constraintconsistent acceleration is achieved by a unique torque command
Rotor Craft
: A classic hexacopter (multi-rotor with 6 propellers) with all propellersspinning in the same plane is a fully actuated platform
: The yaw motion for a quadcopter is controlled by the drag moment of thepropeller
: The attitude dynamics of a quadcopter can be stabilized by a proportionalcontroller only
: The hub force on a rotor in froward flight results mostly due to an imbalance of the lift forces on the advancing and the retreating blade.
: BEMT can be used to model propeller characteristics, where momentum theory enables solving for induced velocities.
: A swashplate has generally three degree of freedom . One to control the cyclic pitch and two to control the collective pitch.
: A rotor in forward motion has a reverse flow region on the advancing blade
: In a front-rear rotor configuration, the yaw motion is steered by differential drag torques of the rotors.
: According to the momentum theory, the power consumption decrease to zero by increasing the disc area to infinity
Fixed Wing
: The magnitude of the GPS velocity can be used directly as an airspeedmeasurement
: The heading of a conventional aircraft is controlled primarily by the rudder
: Wind disturbances are typically modeled/mitigated within the guidance-level loops of a fixed-wing autopilot
: Minimum airspeed demand during a coordinated turn increases as theturning radius decreases, assuming constant angle of attach
: in a coordinate turn, the sideslip force causes the needed centripetal acceleration